Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Good Evening, Work went well today, not so many flu shots today. Alex is missing Indiana, she asked when will we go visit her friends at church and g'ma, g'pa, and Jennifer,Bart, Ken. Shocking she said nothing about his side. I found out tonight that this spirit week at school revolves around Michael Jackson so I am no longer allowing Alex to dress up for the days. I do not think he is or was a great role model. If we can't bring God in schools I don't think they should bring wrongful people for our kids to idolize. Don made a good point of one of his co-workers said, why not base a week on Presidents or Thomas Edison or people like that. Plus, since when is high school brought to elementary? We didn't do homecoming weeks til 9th grade and it was silly things like backwards day, pjs, inside out day, etc.

Wow, the enemy is really working, Alex isn't worrying about herself, she is doing things she knows is unpleasing to God and thinks it was ok because others seem to be doing it. I am still not feeling at peace about these sleepless night vivid scenes and the enemy has me feeling guilty because I asked for prayer tonight.

Alex is excited for Friday, McCanna(sp?) is babysitting after school til I get home around 6pm since it is Don and Sarah's Anniversary. CONGRATULATIONS, both of you on working together and honoring God in your marriage. We love you and appreciate your help and wisdom.


  1. NEVER allow Satan to make you feel guilty of asking for prayer support! You are in my prayers. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. Know that you are loved and supported. I am sure that Alex does miss her friends and family back in Indiana. They miss both of you too. I am with you in regards to the school issues. Lots of love, Aunt Arlona

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! The new picture, of the rainbow. I think it is a great reminder for you and knowing what a labor of love it was from Chris, I pray it comforts you.
    Love and prayers!
