Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good evening, Happy Grandparents Day to all grandparents. This morning the girls and I made a cake for after church tonight to celebrate Don and Sarah's 11th anniversary on the 18th which is this Friday. Trish who is a sister to my cousin Wendi brought ice cream to have with it. It was kinda neat because I chose a butterfly and this morning there was a catapiller on my tire. I decided the antannaes are for the year. We split up the cake to decorate. Alex had top right, Marlene top left, Delphia bottom left and I was bottom right and middle.

Jennifer got Alex a Hannah Montanna wig and the girls loved it. Delphia wanted pictures of everyone wearing it but the older girls wouldn't allow themselves to do what Delphia wanted. I had a talk about including her and the weekend went better so here is "Hannah Montana"

Well, I have to say the one word to describe me this year is tired! Hope you have a great week. Love, LouAnn

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