Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Good Evening, I had another great day. Last night I got home from work after 9pm and listened to my messages and my neighbor was one. He and my other neighbor tried to figure out my air unit but couldn't so he called to make me aware of the strange noise. I am having a air place come to check it out on Tuesday because it is also my heat for the winter or otherwise I would let it go and not run it. He also mowed my 5 second yard. I am also back to my sleepless nights. (sleepless in Fort Wayne):)

I need to get back motivated on working out and watching what I eat because I am depressed about gaining the pounds since I quit smoking instead of eating.

I also found out last night when playing around in my blog settings that I was blocking some people from posting, so I changed it so if you would like to try again feel free to. Sorry, I am still learning a little each day. I am still having trouble decorating the side of my blog because the logo goes over what I write daily so I am not able to decorate. Any suggestions?

Jennifer is here now to do supper and bible study so I will let you go. Jennifer cooked a delicious meal tonight and even had chocolate klondike bar. Love to you.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully next time you visit we will have time to try to work the kinks out of your blog. I posted some pics today. Things are CRAZY here, but I will be childless in about 2 hours so things should be slightly less hectic.
    Love you!
