Sunday, July 19, 2009

God is good. I met my friend Janet for breakfast at IHOP that is across from my church after dropping Alex off for Sunday School. She helped me a lot, I thought by talking to her before church my frustration would not be as bad but it was. Somehow God will see this through He always does.

God also had someone call me at a great time today when I needed to hear comforting words and wisdom and to let me know that some of what the enemy is throwing at me is under the blood of Jesus already. So I am not going to let the enemy win by just coasting or walking around these issues.

God is good. I am now going to help my parents with beans from the garden since they help me out with Alex and I eat them as well.

1 comment:

  1. Fresh green beans.... I am so jealous!!! I found some more snap peas in the fridge yesterday. I am looking forward to cooking them up!!
