Thursday, April 16, 2009

God thank you for being my sweetheart! Chris thank you for being my sweetheart also!
Good Evening, Today was a beautiful day!!! God has helped me with my bad habit for 24 hours now. : ) Also, the past two days I haven't stopped to get a pop in the morning or evening, I've been drinking water. God is GREAT!! Today my new store manager, which is one of Chris' old ones who he liked) came back to the pharmacy and handed me an envelope from the benefit fund. Walgreen's has a hardship benefit fund that my old store mgr. sent in for me to help out with bills, it wasn't a guarantee that they will help. But God helped. They didn't help with medical bills from when Chris was hospitalized but they helped by paying my utilities and mortgage for 1 month. So I praise God for guiding their decision to help me out.

Yesterday, Bart and dad came down to help me with the bedroom project that later Aunt Dodie and Aunt Arlona will help me with as well. The men cut a huge hole in the 100 yr old wall to make a nick-knack/movie case inside the wall. (which Chris had in his sketch book) They didn't get done so dad will help me again on Saturday. Even though they cleaned as they went it was still dusty smelling last night so I slept on the couch.

On Tuesday I had counseling and my counselor said I am doing things right and am doing well in the grieving/living on. She agreed with me not to talk to Chris' side right now because for one I can not help them heal about things that were broken in their family before meeting Chris, and that I need to be stronger and healed more before talking about the other things because they will twist my words probably as they have proved that in the past. So that was a relief that she knows where I am coming from and told me to do what I was thinking from my blog a week ago.

My prayer tonight is that God will send the right person(s) to be a witness to his side of the family. I thank Him for all He has and is going to do for us. I pray that He will heal the sick and weary. I thank Him for healing Alex. I pray that He will continue to show us His presence and comfort. I thank Him for revealing Himself to me throughout this past week. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Great God! Great advise! Great help from Walgreens! Great help from your dad and Bart. I praise God that your family are there for you. Looking forward to our time together next month. Love, Aunt Arlona
